Where to Buy Fire Bricks for Pizza Oven? Find the Perfect Bricks Today!

Where to Buy Fire Bricks for Pizza Oven?


You can buy fire bricks for a pizza oven at Majestic Firebrick in Austin, Texas. Additionally, other options include Austin Masonry Products, The Home Depot, Lowe’s Home Improvement, Brickwood Ovens, Tractor Supply Company, Menards, and Humphreys BBQ.

These stores offer a variety of fire bricks suitable for pizza ovens. They are located in different areas and can provide the necessary materials for your pizza oven construction.

1. Local Masonry Supply Stores

When it comes to buying fire bricks for a pizza oven, you have several options. One option is to visit your local masonry supply stores. In Austin, Texas, you can check out Austin Masonry Products at (512) 861-9100. Another option is The Home Depot, located at (512) 703-4110, and Lowe’s Home Improvement at (512) 895-5560.

These stores carry fire bricks and have websites that mention pizza ovens and fire bricks. Another alternative is to check online retailers like Brickwoodovens. com, which offers fire bricks for fire pits at $89. 99. Additionally, Tractor Supply Company also sells fire bricks, such as Cleveland Iron Works Fire Bricks F500310, priced at $29.

2. Online Retailers

Looking to purchase fire bricks for your pizza oven? Consider checking out these online retailers. Majestic Firebrick offers the Rear Gray MBU36 fire brick for $94. 73. Woodstoves-Fireplaces. com also sells fire bricks. Another option is Culinary Depot, which offers the Town 225038 Fire Bricks for $350.

96. Northern Tool sells the Brick – Vogelzang 6-Pack of Firebrick, Model FB-01 for $14. 99. These online retailers provide a range of fire bricks for your pizza oven needs.

3. Specialty Oven And Fireplace Stores

When it comes to buying fire bricks for your pizza oven, specialty oven and fireplace stores are a great place to start. One such store is brickwoodovens. com, which offers a variety of fire brick options, including fire pit bricks priced at $89.

99. Another option is Tractor Supply Company, which offers the Cleveland Iron Works Fire Bricks F500310 for $29. 99. These stores specialize in providing high-quality fire bricks that are suitable for pizza ovens and can withstand high temperatures. Whether you’re a professional chef or a pizza enthusiast, these stores offer the fire bricks you need to build the perfect pizza oven.

Frequently Asked Questions For Where To Buy Fire Bricks For Pizza Oven?

What Kind Of Fire Bricks For Pizza Oven?

For a pizza oven, it is recommended to use fire bricks. Fire bricks are specifically designed to withstand high temperatures and provide excellent insulation for the oven. These bricks are made from refractory clay and other heat-resistant materials, ensuring they can withstand the intense heat of a pizza oven.

They are dense and durable, helping to retain and distribute heat evenly throughout the oven, which is essential for achieving the perfect crispy crust on your pizzas. Fire bricks also help to prevent any damage to the oven structure caused by extreme temperatures.

They are available in various sizes and shapes, allowing you to customize your pizza oven according to your needs. It is important to purchase high-quality fire bricks to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your pizza oven.

How Many Firebricks Do I Need For A Pizza Oven?

For a pizza oven, the number of firebricks you need will depend on the size and design of the oven. As a general guideline, you will typically need about 200 to 250 firebricks for a small to medium-sized pizza oven.

Larger pizza ovens may require anywhere from 300 to 500 firebricks. To calculate the exact number of firebricks needed, you will need to measure the dimensions of your pizza oven and determine the number of bricks that will be required for each layer of the oven.

Remember to factor in any extra bricks needed for the oven floor and insulation. It is important to note that firebricks are usually sold in bundles or packs, so you may need to purchase multiple bundles to have enough bricks for your pizza oven.

Additionally, it is always a good idea to buy a few extra firebricks in case of breakage or future repairs.

Why Is Fire Brick So Expensive?

Fire bricks are expensive due to several factors. Firstly, fire bricks are made from special materials such as high-quality clay and refractory properties that can withstand extremely high temperatures. These materials are expensive to source and process. Additionally, the manufacturing process of fire bricks requires precise and specialized techniques, which further increases their cost.

Furthermore, fire bricks are designed to be durable and long-lasting, capable of withstanding thermal shock and intense heat. The construction of fire bricks involves multiple layers and a high level of craftsmanship, which adds to the overall cost. Moreover, fire bricks are used in various industries such as furnaces, kilns, and ovens, where they play a crucial role in maintaining insulation and preventing heat loss.

Their high demand and limited supply contribute to their higher prices. In conclusion, the expensive nature of fire bricks can be attributed to the specialized materials, complex manufacturing process, and their critical role in high-temperature applications.


To build a pizza oven, fire bricks are an essential component. Now that you know where to buy fire bricks, you can confidently embark on your pizza oven construction project. Various stores like Majestic Firebrick, Austin Masonry Products, The Home Depot, Lowe’s Home Improvement, and many others offer a range of fire bricks suitable for pizza ovens.

These bricks are designed to withstand high temperatures and provide excellent insulation, ensuring even heat distribution for perfect pizza cooking. Whether you prefer to shop online or visit a physical store, you can easily find fire bricks that meet your requirements.

So, start your search for fire bricks today and soon you’ll be enjoying delicious homemade pizza from your very own pizza oven. Happy building!



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