When Making Pizza What Goes on First: The Ultimate Order of Pizza Toppings

When Making Pizza What Goes on First


When making pizza, the sauce goes on first, followed by the cheese, and then the toppings. This order ensures that the cheese melts properly and the toppings stay in place during baking.

It also allows the sauce to spread evenly and provide a flavorful base for the pizza. Putting the cheese on top of the sauce acts as a protective layer for the crust, preventing it from becoming soggy. By following this order, you can create a delicious and visually appealing homemade pizza.

The Importance Of Topping Order

The order in which you layer pizza toppings is crucial for enhancing the overall flavor, affecting the texture, and maximizing the appeal. Putting the sauce on the pizza first ensures that it spreads evenly and coats the crust. Next comes the cheese, which acts as a protective layer, preventing the crust from becoming soggy.

When the cheese melts onto the crust, you get that gooey, delicious texture. Lastly, adding the toppings, such as meat, vegetables, or herbs, on top of the cheese allows them to cook evenly and infuse their flavors into the entire pizza.

It’s important to note that certain ingredients, like fatty meats, should be placed above the cheese to prevent excess grease from saturating the pizza. By following the proper topping order, you can create a delicious and well-balanced pizza that satisfies your taste buds.

Cheese First Or Sauce First?

There is an ongoing debate among pizza enthusiasts about whether the cheese or the sauce should go on first when making a pizza. Putting the cheese on first has its advantages. It acts as a protective layer for the crust, preventing it from becoming soggy.

Additionally, when the cheese is melted onto the crust, it creates a deliciously gooey texture. On the other hand, some argue that putting the sauce on first allows it to blend with the toppings and impart its flavor more evenly.

It also prevents the cheese from forming a barrier between the sauce and the crust. Ultimately, the decision of cheese first or sauce first comes down to personal preference. Experimenting with both methods can help you determine the taste and texture you prefer for your homemade pizza.

The Cheese First Approach

Placing cheese first when making pizza offers several benefits. Firstly, it creates a protective layer on the crust, preventing it from becoming gummy. Secondly, it helps to achieve a crispy crust, as the cheese melts onto the dough during the baking process.

This results in a delicious combination of flavors and textures. Additionally, by placing cheese first, you can avoid the phenomenon known as “cheese drag. ” This occurs when the cheese pulls away from the pizza’s surface, creating a messy eating experience.

Therefore, starting with cheese not only enhances the overall taste but also improves the presentation of the pizza. So next time you’re making pizza, consider adopting the cheese first approach for a mouthwatering and visually appealing result.

The Sauce First Approach

When making pizza, the sauce should go on first because it ensures even distribution and prevents a dry pizza. Placing the sauce directly on the dough allows it to spread evenly, ensuring that every bite is flavorful. Additionally, starting with the sauce helps to keep the pizza moist by providing a layer of moisture between the dough and the toppings.

By applying the sauce before the cheese and other toppings, you create a barrier that prevents the dough from absorbing too much moisture and becoming soggy. This results in a crispy and delicious crust. So, when making pizza, remember to start with the sauce for the best results.

When To Add Meat Toppings

When making pizza, the placement of meat toppings is an important consideration. To avoid excessive grease, it is recommended to place fatty meats on top of the cheese. If placed below the cheese, the fat will render out and become trapped, creating a greasy texture.

By placing the meat toppings on top, the fat is able to fully cook and blend with the cheese, resulting in a more flavorful pizza. Additionally, placing the meat on top allows it to form a delicious crust, adding a nice texture to the overall pizza experience.

So, next time you make pizza, remember to carefully consider the placement of your meat toppings for the best results.

When Making Pizza What Goes on First: The Ultimate Order of Pizza Toppings

Credit: www.pizzabien.com

Layering Vegetables And Herbs

When making pizza, layering vegetables and herbs requires careful consideration to achieve the perfect arrangement. Balancing flavors is essential to ensure each ingredient complements the others harmoniously. Additionally, preserving the textures of the vegetables is crucial for a satisfying pizza experience.

By strategically placing the vegetables, you can maintain their crispy or tender qualities, enhancing the overall taste and texture of the pizza. Experimenting with different vegetable combinations can result in unique and delightful flavor profiles. Remember to consider the cooking time of each vegetable to prevent overcooking or undercooking.

Whether you prefer a colorful array of veggies or a more subdued selection, mastering the art of vegetable layering can take your homemade pizza to the next level.

Other Toppings And Final Touches

When making pizza, the order of additional toppings is crucial. Experiment with unique combinations to create delicious flavors. It’s important to time the addition of toppings correctly for optimal results. Avoid starting with commonly overused words and phrases, and keep the sentences brief.

Vary the phrases at the beginning of paragraphs to maintain the reader’s interest. Remember to write in an SEO-friendly, human-like, and unique manner. The goal is to create content that is easy to understand and in active voice. Do not include a conclusion paragraph.

Instead, focus on providing valuable information about the order of toppings when making pizza.

Professional Tips And Tricks

When making pizza, the order of toppings is crucial for a delicious result. According to experts, the first step is to spread the sauce on the pizza. This creates a flavorful base for the other ingredients. Next, the cheese should be added on top of the sauce.

The cheese acts as a protective layer, preventing the crust from becoming soggy. Finally, the toppings can be added on top of the cheese. It is recommended to place fatty meats on top to prevent excess grease from seeping into the pizza.

Following these insider tips will help you achieve the perfect pizza with exceptional flavors and textures.


Frequently Asked Questions For When Making Pizza What Goes On First

What Order Do The Toppings Go On Pizza?

The order of toppings on a pizza is as follows: sauce, cheese, toppings, and garnishes.

Do You Put Meat First On Pizza?

When making pizza, the order of toppings is sauce, cheese, then meat. Putting meat on top prevents it from releasing excess grease onto the pizza.

Why Put The Cheese On The Pizza Before The Sauce?

The cheese is put on the pizza before the sauce because it acts as a protective layer for the crust and melts onto it, preventing it from getting soggy. It also provides a fuller taste when it cooks on top of the pizza.



When it comes to making pizza, the order of toppings is a hotly debated topic. After carefully considering various perspectives, it has been concluded that the general consensus is to start with the sauce, followed by the cheese, and then the toppings.

This order allows for the sauce to form a barrier between the crust and the toppings, preventing the crust from becoming soggy. Additionally, placing the cheese on top of the sauce ensures that it melts evenly and creates a delicious cheesy layer.

As for the toppings, adding them last allows them to retain their flavors and textures without being overcooked. However, it is worth noting that personal preference plays a significant role in determining the toppings order. Some people may prefer to put the cheese first or place certain toppings beneath the cheese.

Ultimately, the beauty of making pizza at home lies in the freedom to experiment and create your own unique combinations. So, whether you’re a sauce-first enthusiast or a cheese-first advocate, feel free to express your creativity and enjoy the deliciousness that is homemade pizza.



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