How to Cook Chorizo Sausage on Stove?

How to Cook Chorizo Sausage on Stove


To cook chorizo sausage on the stove, heat a skillet over medium heat and add the chorizo. Cook for about 5-7 minutes, breaking it up with a spatula, until it is browned and cooked through.

Chorizo sausage is a delicious and flavorful sausage that adds a kick to any dish. While it can be cooked in various ways, cooking it on the stove is a quick and easy method that allows you to enjoy its flavors in no time.

By following a few simple steps, you can have perfectly cooked chorizo sausage that can be enjoyed on its own or added to your favorite recipes. We will guide you through the process of cooking chorizo sausage on the stovetop, providing you with a tasty and versatile ingredient for your meals.

How to Cook Chorizo Sausage on Stove: Master the Art with These Simple Steps


Preparing The Chorizo

When it comes to preparing chorizo, there are a few simple steps you can follow. First, start by removing the outer casing of the chorizo. This can be done by peeling it off or making a small incision and gently pulling it away. Once the casing is removed, you can then cut the chorizo into your desired size and shape. Some people prefer larger chunks, while others like smaller, bite-sized pieces. The choice is up to you.

In terms of cooking the chorizo, there are various methods you can use. You can cook it on the stove in a pan, or you can also cook it in the oven. If you choose to cook it on the stove, simply heat a pan over medium heat and add some oil. Once the oil is hot, add the chorizo and cook it until it is browned and cooked through. If you prefer to cook it in the oven, preheat the oven to the desired temperature and place the chorizo on a baking sheet. Cook it until it is browned and cooked to your liking.

Stove Cooking Methods

Stove Cooking Methods

  • Pan-frying chorizo sausage on the stove: Start by heating a pan over medium heat. Add the chorizo sausage and cook for about 5-7 minutes, flipping occasionally, until it is crispy and browned on the outside.
  • Boiling chorizo sausage on the stove: Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add the chorizo sausage and let it cook for about 10-15 minutes until it is cooked through and no longer pink in the center.
  • Sautéing chorizo sausage on the stove: Heat a pan with a little bit of oil over medium heat. Add the chorizo sausage and sauté for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it is browned and cooked through.

Achieving The Perfect Texture

Achieving the Perfect Texture

Testing the doneness of chorizo sausage: After cooking, it will be a dull red or even a light brown. The texture is probably the best way to test if you have fully cooked chorizo. If the texture is still sticky and very easy to mold it together, it requires more cooking. It should resemble cooked ground beef, but it will be tiny pieces of sausage.

Avoiding mushy or undercooked chorizo sausage: Yes, you should leave the chorizo casing (the edible one, not paper or plastic) on when cooking. The heat will soften it and make it less chewy than the casing of cured chorizo. If you find you still dislike the texture even after the chorizo is fully cooked, you can peel it off then, no problem.

Knowing when to drain excess grease from chorizo sausage: When cooking chorizo, you can drain the excess grease if desired. Place the chorizo in a pan and add a little bit of water. Cook over medium heat. Prick the chorizo with a toothpick and allow the water to evaporate. The chorizo will slowly render its own oil.

Serving And Enjoying Chorizo

Serving and Enjoying Chorizo
  • Pair chorizo sausage with complementary flavors to enhance the overall taste experience.
  • Experiment with creative ways to incorporate chorizo into different dishes for variety.
  • Consider using chorizo as a topping for pizzas or tacos, adding a spicy and savory kick.
  • Mix chorizo with eggs for a flavorful breakfast or brunch option.
  • Add chorizo to pasta dishes such as carbonara or marinara for an extra burst of flavor.
  • Try cooking chorizo with vegetables like bell peppers and onions for a hearty and satisfying meal.
  • Make a delicious chorizo and potato hash for a hearty and filling breakfast or dinner option.
  • Pair chorizo sausage with cheese, like queso fresco or cheddar, to create a flavorful combination.


Frequently Asked Questions On How To Cook Chorizo Sausage On Stove

How Do You Know When Chorizo Is Done?

When chorizo is done, it will be a dull red or light brown. Test the texture by pinching it – if it’s sticky and can be easily molded, it needs more cooking. It should resemble cooked ground beef with tiny pieces of sausage.

You can leave the casing on while cooking, but it’s okay to remove it if you don’t like the texture.

Do You Cook Chorizo With The Casing On?

Yes, you should cook chorizo with the casing on. The heat will soften it, making it less chewy. If you dislike the texture, you can peel it off after cooking.

When Cooking Chorizo Do You Drain The Grease?

When cooking chorizo, it is recommended to drain the grease.

How Do You Cook Chorizo In Water Or Oil?

To cook chorizo in water or oil, place it in a pan and add a little water. Cook over medium heat, prick the chorizo with a toothpick, and let the water evaporate. The chorizo will release its own oil.

How Long Does It Take To Cook Chorizo On The Stove?

It typically takes about 10-15 minutes to cook chorizo sausage on the stove.


Cooking chorizo sausage on the stove is a simple and delicious way to enjoy this flavorful protein. By following the proper cooking techniques, such as cutting the casing and allowing it to cook in its own oil, you can achieve a crispy and flavorful result.

Remember to test the texture to ensure it is fully cooked, resembling cooked ground beef. Leave the casing on for a softer and more enjoyable eating experience. So go ahead and try out this stove-cooked chorizo recipe for a tasty meal option.


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