How to Bake Pizza in Microwave: Quick and Easy Recipe

How to Bake Pizza in Microwave


To bake pizza in the microwave, preheat it and place the pizza on a microwave-safe plate before cooking it on high for a few minutes. Now, let’s delve into the details of how to achieve this delicious microwave-baked pizza.

Microwaves have revolutionized the way we cook, making it quick and convenient. However, when it comes to pizza, the traditional crispy crust may be difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, with the right techniques, you can still enjoy a tasty microwave-baked pizza.

By following a few simple steps, you can easily cook a delicious pizza in your microwave. We will explore the method of baking pizza in a microwave, including tips for achieving a crispy crust and perfectly melted cheese. So, let’s get started and discover how to create a scrumptious pizza without using a conventional oven.

Step 1: Gather The Ingredients

Baking pizza in a microwave is quick and easy. To get started, gather the necessary ingredients: pizza dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and your choice of toppings. Begin by rolling out the dough and placing it on a microwave-safe plate. Next, spread the tomato sauce evenly over the dough, leaving a small border around the edges.

Sprinkle on a generous amount of cheese, followed by your desired toppings. Cook the pizza in the microwave for about 2-3 minutes, or until the cheese has melted and the dough is cooked through. Keep a close eye on it to avoid burning.

Once cooked, remove the pizza from the microwave and let it cool slightly before slicing and serving. Enjoy your homemade microwave pizza in no time!

Step 2: Prepare The Pizza Dough

Preparing the pizza dough for microwave cooking is an essential step in making a delicious pizza at home. Start by combining the required ingredients, such as flour, yeast, salt, and warm water, in a mixing bowl. Mix them together until a smooth dough forms.

Next, knead the dough for a few minutes to develop the gluten. After that, cover the dough with a clean cloth and let it rest for about an hour to allow it to rise. Once the dough has doubled in size, gently punch it down to release any air bubbles.

Now it’s time to shape the dough into a pizza crust of your desired thickness. Roll it out evenly using a rolling pin or stretch it by hand to achieve the desired size. Finally, transfer the prepared dough to a microwave-safe plate or pizza stone and proceed with your preferred pizza toppings and cooking instructions.

Step 3: Roll Out The Dough

Baking pizza in a microwave can be a quick and convenient way to satisfy your cravings. When it comes to rolling out the dough, there are several techniques you can use to ensure it is evenly spread. Start by dusting your work surface with flour to prevent sticking.

Divide the dough into smaller portions and roll each one out separately. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough, applying even pressure as you go. Rotate the dough frequently to achieve a round shape. If you prefer a thin, crispy crust, roll the dough out thinner.

For a thicker crust, leave it slightly thicker. By following these techniques, you can successfully roll out your pizza dough and move on to the next steps in the microwave baking process.

Step 4: Prepping The Sauce And Toppings

When baking pizza in the microwave, preparing the sauce and toppings is a crucial step.

Step 5: Assembling The Pizza

Assembling the pizza is the next step in the process of baking a delicious pizza in the microwave. Start by rolling out the dough to your desired thickness. Spread a generous amount of sauce onto the dough, ensuring it covers the entire surface.

Next, sprinkle on your favorite toppings, such as cheese, vegetables, and meats. Be creative and choose toppings that complement each other. Once your toppings are added, carefully transfer the pizza onto a microwave-safe dish. Place the dish into the microwave and cook on high for a few minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Carefully remove it from the microwave and let it cool for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy your homemade microwave pizza!

Step 6: Microwave Cooking Method

Microwave cooking is a convenient method for baking pizza, but it requires some guidelines. Adjusting the cooking time based on your microwave’s power is crucial. To ensure a successful outcome, follow these six recommendations. Firstly, keep the sentences brief, with a maximum of 20 words each, for easy comprehension.

Secondly, focus on creating engaging content that is SEO-friendly, plagiarism-free, and unique. Next, vary the phrases used at the beginning of paragraphs to maintain the reader’s interest. Additionally, avoid using repetitive terms to keep the content engaging. Lastly, it is not necessary to include a separate conclusion paragraph.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can achieve an excellent result when baking pizza in the microwave.

Step 7: Ensuring Even Cooking

To ensure your pizza cooks evenly in the microwave, there are a few important tips to keep in mind. First, make sure to rotate the pizza halfway through the cooking time. This will help distribute the heat more evenly and prevent any cold spots.

Second, use a microwave-safe plate or pizza pan with a rotating feature, if available. This will further aid in even cooking. Additionally, consider covering the pizza with a microwave-safe cover or lid to trap the heat and moisture. Third, if you’re cooking multiple pizzas, give each pizza enough space to avoid overcrowding.

This will ensure that each pizza receives the proper amount of heat. Lastly, adjust the cooking time as needed based on the wattage of your microwave. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be able to enjoy a perfectly cooked pizza right from your microwave.

Step 8: Checking The Doneness

The doneness of a microwave-baked pizza can be checked in a few simple ways. Firstly, visually inspect the crust to ensure that it is golden brown and crispy. Next, use a fork to lift up a slice; if it holds its shape without sagging, it is likely cooked through.

Another method is to touch the center of the pizza; if it feels hot and the cheese is melted and bubbly, it is ready. Additionally, you can insert a toothpick or a knife into the center to see if it comes out clean, indicating that the dough is thoroughly cooked.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your microwave-baked pizza is perfectly cooked and ready to be enjoyed.

Step 9: Additional Microwave Tips

For cooking pizza in the microwave, here are some general tips and tricks that can come in handy. First, make sure to choose a microwave-safe pizza dish to avoid any issues. Next, preheat the microwave for a few minutes to ensure even cooking.

When placing the pizza in the microwave, use a microwave-safe plate or a pizza stone. It’s important to note that microwaving pizza may result in a slightly different texture compared to baking it in an oven, but it can still be delicious.

To prevent the crust from becoming soggy, try using a microwave-safe plate with raised edges or a silicone baking mat. Lastly, adjust the cooking time and power level based on your microwave’s wattage for optimal results. Enjoy your homemade microwaved pizza!

How to Bake Pizza in Microwave: Quick and Easy Recipe


Step 10: Presentation And Enjoyment

To serve and enjoy your microwave pizza, you can get creative with various toppings and ingredients. Try adding fresh basil leaves or a sprinkle of oregano for added flavor. For some extra crunch, top your pizza with crushed red pepper flakes or grated Parmesan cheese.

Don’t forget to pair your pizza slice with a side of marinara sauce or garlic dip for dipping. Alternatively, you can create mini pizza sliders by topping small burger buns with pizza sauce, cheese, and your favorite toppings. Serve them alongside a bowl of homemade tomato soup for a delicious meal.

Experiment with different ideas and combinations to find your perfect microwave pizza experience. Enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Bake Pizza In Microwave

How Long Does It Take To Bake Pizza In The Microwave?

The cooking time for pizza in the microwave can vary, but it typically takes around 5-8 minutes.

Can I Use A Regular Microwave-Safe Plate To Bake Pizza?

Yes, you can use a regular microwave-safe plate to bake pizza as long as it fits properly and is microwave-safe.

How Can I Prevent A Soggy Crust When Baking Pizza In The Microwave?

To prevent a soggy crust, place the pizza on a microwave-safe plate and use a microwave-safe cover or microwave-safe paper towels to absorb excess moisture while cooking.


To sum up, baking pizza in a microwave can be a quick and convenient alternative to using an oven. By following the right techniques and tips, you can achieve a delicious and crispy pizza crust with perfectly melted cheese and toppings.

Start by preheating the microwave and using a microwave-safe plate or pizza pan. Next, choose the appropriate cooking time and power level, making sure to rotate the pizza halfway through. Don’t forget to add a microwave-safe lid or cover to help trap the heat and ensure even cooking.

Experiment with different toppings and flavor combinations to create your perfect microwave pizza. While it may not be exactly like a traditional oven-baked pizza, it can still be a tasty and satisfying meal option. So, the next time you’re craving a quick pizza fix, give the microwave method a try and enjoy a delicious homemade pie in no time.


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