Filipino Barbecue Chicken Recipe: Easy-to-Make Delight

Filipino Barbecue Chicken Recipe


Try this Filipino barbecue chicken recipe for a delicious and irresistible grilled dish. Filipino cuisine is known for its rich and vibrant flavors, and the barbecue chicken is no exception.

This recipe combines marinated chicken pieces with a sweet and savory sauce, resulting in tender and juicy meat with a slightly smoky char from the grill. Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or simply craving a taste of the Philippines, this recipe is sure to satisfy your cravings.

So fire up the grill, gather your ingredients, and get ready to enjoy a taste of Filipino barbecue chicken like never before.

Filipino Barbecue Chicken Recipe: Mouthwatering & Easy-to-Make Delight


Exploring The Deliciousness Of Filipino Barbecue Chicken

Filipino barbecue chicken is a dish renowned for its delectable flavors and unique cooking techniques. With its tantalizing blend of savory, sweet, and tangy flavors, this recipe holds a special place in the hearts and palates of Filipinos and food enthusiasts around the world.

The secret lies in the marinade, a harmonious fusion of soy sauce, vinegar, calamansi juice, garlic, and various spices. The chicken is then grilled to perfection, resulting in succulent and charred pieces that burst with smoky goodness. What sets Filipino barbecue chicken apart is its distinct tenderness and juiciness, achieved through overnight marinating and basting during the grilling process.

Whether enjoyed on its own, paired with rice or as part of a larger meal, this dish never fails to captivate with its irresistible aroma and mouthwatering taste. Prepare to embark on a culinary adventure and savor the wonders of Filipino barbecue chicken.

Ingredients Needed For The Perfect Filipino Barbecue Chicken

For the perfect Filipino barbecue chicken, you’ll need the essential ingredients for the marinade. The quality of the chicken is crucial to ensure a delicious result. Make sure you have enough chicken to serve your desired number of guests. The marinade needs to be flavorful and balanced, consisting of soy sauce, garlic, brown sugar, ketchup, and calamansi juice.

Don’t forget to add some black pepper, salt, and your choice of spices for that extra kick. Marinate the chicken for at least a few hours, or ideally, overnight in the fridge. This will allow the flavors to penetrate the meat fully.

Once marinated, grill the chicken until it’s cooked through, juicy, and has a beautiful char. Serve it with steamed rice and a side of pickled vegetables for a complete Filipino barbecue chicken feast.


Step-By-Step Guide To Marinating Filipino Barbecue Chicken

Marinating Filipino barbecue chicken requires careful preparation for a delicious and flavorful dish. Start by combining the marinade ingredients, such as soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic, and brown sugar. Stir until well-mixed. Next, marinate the chicken pieces in the mixture for at least 4 hours, allowing the flavors to penetrate the meat.

To maintain the quality of the chicken, refrigerate it at a temperature below 40°F (4°C) during this time. Once the chicken is marinated, it’s ready for grilling. Make sure to preheat the grill to medium-high heat before adding the chicken.

Cook the chicken for 6-8 minutes per side, or until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). Serve hot and enjoy the mouthwatering Filipino barbecue chicken with your favorite side dishes.

Grilling Techniques For Mouthwatering Filipino Barbecue Chicken

Grilling techniques play a crucial role in achieving the mouthwatering flavors of Filipino barbecue chicken. The choice of grilling method greatly impacts the outcome, ensuring the perfect charred and smoky taste. To begin, consider using direct heat for the initial searing, creating those coveted grill marks.

Indirect heat is excellent for cooking the chicken evenly without burning the exterior. For an authentic Filipino touch, you can also opt for traditional charcoal grilling, infusing the meat with a distinct smokiness. Another tip is marinating the chicken beforehand to enhance the flavors and impart tenderness.

To achieve the desired smoky and charred flavor, use wood chips or chunks soaked in water and added to the grill. These techniques will elevate your Filipino barbecue chicken to a whole new level of deliciousness.

Achieving Tender And Juicy Filipino Barbecue Chicken

Achieving tender and juicy Filipino barbecue chicken requires attention to detail while grilling. Here are helpful tips to ensure that the chicken remains moist and succulent throughout the cooking process. Firstly, marinating the chicken in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, and spices overnight will infuse incredible flavors and help retain moisture.

Secondly, avoid overcooking by grilling the chicken on medium heat and flipping it regularly to prevent dryness. Additionally, basting the chicken with the marinade during cooking will add extra moisture and enhance the taste. Moreover, using indirect grilling by placing the chicken away from direct flames will help cook the chicken evenly and avoid excessive charring.

In addition, letting the chicken rest for a few minutes before serving allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more flavorful and tender meat. By following these tips, you can master the art of creating mouthwatering Filipino barbecue chicken that will leave everyone longing for more.

Sides And Dips To Complement Filipino Barbecue Chicken

Filipino Barbecue Chicken is delicious on its own, but it’s even better when paired with traditional sides and flavorful dips. Traditional Filipino side dishes such as pancit, lumpia, and garlic fried rice make excellent companions to the flavorful chicken. These dishes provide a perfect balance of flavors and textures to enhance your barbecue experience.

To elevate the taste, consider making easy-to-make dips and sauces like spicy vinegar dip, banana ketchup, or a sweet and tangy barbecue sauce. These condiments add an extra layer of flavor and create a truly delicious combination. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or simply enjoying a meal at home, these suggestions will ensure that your Filipino barbecue chicken is accompanied by mouthwatering sides and lip-smacking dips that everyone will love.

Filipino Barbecue Chicken: A Staple In Celebrations And Gatherings

Filipino barbecue chicken holds a special place in celebrations and gatherings, serving as a cultural staple. This dish brings people together, representing the vibrant flavors and traditions of the Philippines. Passed down through generations, it carries stories and experiences shared among friends and family.

Grilled to perfection, the succulent chicken is marinated with a blend of tangy, savory, and sweet ingredients, creating a mouthwatering aroma that fills the air. Every bite bursts with flavors that enchant taste buds and leave a lasting impression. The cultural significance of Filipino barbecue chicken goes beyond its taste; it embodies the warmth and joy of coming together, celebrating life’s milestones, and creating memories.

Whether enjoyed at a festive feast or a casual backyard gathering, this dish is a testament to the rich heritage and culinary expertise of the Filipino people.

Variations And Innovations In Filipino Barbecue Chicken Recipe

Filipino Barbecue Chicken Recipe offers a world of variations and innovations to explore. Embracing these creative twists adds excitement to the traditional recipe. It encourages experimentation and personalization, allowing you to put your own spin on this beloved dish. From marinade modifications to grilling techniques, there are countless ways to make it uniquely yours.

By infusing different flavors, and spices, or even using alternative cooking methods, you can elevate the taste and create an unforgettable dining experience. Whether it’s adding a hint of smoky flavor or incorporating unexpected ingredients, the possibilities are endless. So let your culinary creativity run free and embark on a journey of reinventing Filipino Barbecue Chicken Recipes to suit your taste and style.

Health Benefits

Filipino barbecue chicken is not just a delicious dish but also offers several health benefits. This beloved recipe is packed with essential nutrients, making it a nutritious choice for any meal. The chicken is grilled to perfection, ensuring the retention of its natural flavors and nutrients.

It is a great source of lean protein, promoting muscle development and repair. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, which aids in brain function, and selenium, which boosts the immune system. The marinade used in the recipe often consists of soy sauce and vinegar, which are known to have antioxidant properties.

Additionally, Filipino barbecue chicken can be a good choice for those watching their calorie intake as it is usually prepared without excessive oils or fats. Enjoy this delightful dish in moderation and reap its many nutritional benefits.

The Ultimate Crowd-Pleaser

Filipino Barbecue Chicken is a must-try dish that will surely please any crowd. Its versatility makes it ideal for various occasions. Whether it’s a casual backyard barbecue or a special celebration, this recipe is sure to be a hit. The tantalizing aroma and the flavorful combination of spices are enough to build anticipation and entice everyone to take a bite.

Tender and juicy chicken marinated in a savory blend of soy sauce, ketchup, garlic, and brown sugar, then grilled to perfection, Filipino Barbecue Chicken is a true delight. Serve it with steamed rice or as part of a vibrant spread of Filipino delicacies.

Prepare to be captivated by the explosion of flavors in every mouthful. Don’t miss out on this delectable dish that embodies the rich culinary heritage of the Philippines.


How Do You Make Filipino Barbecue Chicken?

To make Filipino barbecue chicken, marinate chicken pieces in a mixture of soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic, and spices, then grill until cooked through.

What Are The Key Ingredients For Filipino Barbecue Chicken?

The key ingredients for Filipino barbecue chicken are soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic, brown sugar, and a variety of spices.

Can I Use The Same Marinade For Other Meats?

Absolutely! The marinade used for Filipino barbecue chicken can also be used for pork, beef, and even seafood for delicious and flavorful results.


Filipino barbecued chicken is a delectable dish that brings the flavors of the Philippines to your dinner table. With its combination of sweet, tangy, and smoky flavors, this dish is sure to satisfy your taste buds. The marinade, made from a blend of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, ginger, and brown sugar, gives the chicken a rich and savory taste.

Grilling the chicken over charcoal adds a smoky flavor that enhances the overall experience. Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue or simply craving some Filipino cuisine, this recipe is a must-try. The simplicity and versatility of this dish make it perfect for any occasion.

Serve it with steamed rice and a side of atchara (pickled papaya), and you have a complete meal that will leave everyone wanting more. So fire up the grill and indulge in the mouthwatering flavors of Filipino barbecue chicken.



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